Will You Get 18%? Or Just 1.5% Return On Your Investments? Watch This…

It’s an ongoing battle with words in the Tax Lien & Deed space. How much are you ACTUALLY getting back on your money? Could it be an 18% return on your investments?

You’re going to want to watch the new V-Log from one of my team members below…

I’ve got one of my epically tall, and well seasoned Tax Lien & Deed Investors, Cory, here with a very informative video for you about the different between a Tax Lien & Deed INTEREST Rate, and a PENALTY rate. This can mean the difference between a minimal gain and an 18% return on your investments.

Do you know the difference?

I know it took Cory a while to finally “click” the knowledge into his brain, so he made you this great little video to watch today about it:

Depending on what state you’re investing in, you could be getting an instant 20% return on your money, an 18% return on your investments, or a 1.7% return on your money, and I think it’s very important that you know that ahead of time…

Don’t you?

This could be one of the most important videos you watch on Tax Lien and Deed investing this week, so watch it before it slips through your inbox!

I’ve got some cool things coming down the pipeline, so keep an eye on your inbox 🙂

Talk soon,

Dustin Hahn

PS: Cory mentions the live auction trips at the end of the video, so if that’s something that interests you, head on over here and send in a FREE application, and one of my friendly team members will give you a call and see if we can fit you in on the next trip.

They are life and Business changing, so don’t hesitate to apply today 🙂

There are 3 HUGE mistakes that almost all new Tax Lien & Deed investors make, and I’ve got a free training guide that will not only help you AVOID THEM completely but also save you thousands of dollars in wasted time and money... And it's yours today ->