There are an abundance of Tax Deed counties in the United States, but oftentimes people say they can’t find any sales…. Well my question to you is this: Have you looked hard enough in the Tax Deed Markets?
Today’s video is important:
We’ve been focusing on two counties for the past 12 months, and have VASTLY grown our investment portfolio, but the truth is, we are constantly looking for new places to invest. Have you heard that old saying, “Never place all your eggs in one basket.”?
Well the same rings true for investments – if we were to just focus on one county, chances are, that county would dry up FAST.
So what do we do?
Coach Josh is in charge of that, and he’s going to tell you all about it in today’s video.
Check out this episode of Tax Lien TV above.
He’s going to share with you some of the most important things we’re doing in the background of our Investment business specially with Tax Deed Markets.
You won’t want to miss this one.
You’re watching it now right? 😉
Let’s chat soon!
Dustin Hahn
PS: If you feel up for the next challenge in your business, make our Live Auction Experience happen for you – It’s a trip that will completely change the way you invest in Tax Liens & Deeds.
You can apply here and see if there is a seat coming up this month. (I think there’s 1 or 2 left!)
There are 3 HUGE mistakes that almost all new Tax Lien & Deed investors make, and I’ve got a free training guide that will not only help you AVOID THEM completely but also save you thousands of dollars in wasted time and money... And it's yours today ->
This Tax Lien Training System Will Teach You: