1 Fancy Trick For Beating Out The Online Tax Sale Competition (Live Footage of Online Sale!)

So we recently bought a house at a California ONLINE TAX DEED Auction, and we learned a couple of VERY important tactics and strategies doing it. The online tax sale competition was fierce. Catch this new Video Blog here:

One of our California coaches Mike (alongside Coach Josh) recently spent a couple days out driving California properties, and watched the Tax Deed sale happen online, and got some GOLD footage while it was happening.

Ever wonder when it would be ok to buy a property at 90% ARV? (After Repair Value) This was a frequent topic during the online tax sale competition.

Ever wonder what an actual online Tax Deed looks like amid the online tax sale competition?

Want to know how to gain access to properties that some people can’t get into?

And what’s the 1 Trick we used for this auction to make sure people knew we meant business when we bid? Tactics are essential during an online tax sale competition.

Find out above, in today’s new video!

It’s a great new video, and I’m excited to share this cutting edge strategies with you.

I’ll see you in the video,
Dustin Hahn

*IMPORTANT * PS: If you’ve been putting off an auction trip because you just weren’t sure it was what you needed, then don’t wait any longer. I’ve put my all into making sure these trips are worth 100x what you pay for them.

Secure your spot on the next auction trip by clicking right here.

There are 3 HUGE mistakes that almost all new Tax Lien & Deed investors make, and I’ve got a free training guide that will not only help you AVOID THEM completely but also save you thousands of dollars in wasted time and money... And it's yours today ->